I spend how much at chipotle?!
Is a zine about my journey from wanting to make one change in my life (supporting more small businesses) which lead to learning about something completely different (immigrants and their positive affect on the United States job market.)
For this project I created a 44 page zine creating the illustrations/design elements using Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Indesign to set the zine using a grid.

I started with a simple concept: I spend too much money at large cooperations when I could give more small businesses a chance. So from there I started researching and found websites like the New American Economy which works to bring light on the large contribution immigrant business owners have on the economy.

Thinking about how I wanted to design this zine I knew I wanted to make it informative yet not in an unapproachable, preachy way. My solution was to use a visual language that is inspired by children's books. Children's books are used to take information that is unknown to the child and present it in a simple fun manner. So in a world where politics are presented in a cold demeaning manner why not simplify it? I also narrated the reader through my journey to make the tone of the book more personable.

A simple,fun color palette compliments the simplicity of the illustrations used throughout. Keeping the color palette consisce and consistent was imperative to the visual language of the zine.

For headlines I wanted a typeface that was bold, expressive, and fun like Gastromond which works well with the simplicity of the illustrations. A simple, clean serif was needed to balance out the boldness of Gastromond and for that I chose Avenir.